What You’ll Learn:

  • Avoid the shiny object syndrome

  • Stop falling for the sunk costs fallacy

  • How to spend money strategically without penny-pinching

  • How to manage money

  • Develop better money habits

The Three Money Mistakes That Keep Your Business Broke Course is the most thorough, dynamic, and practical course taught online for entrepreneurs.

It covers the three main money mistakes entrepreneurs make within their business. Each money mistake has simple solutions that can bring money back into the business and allow business owners to manage money without falling into the same cycle of money mistakes.

Topics that will be covered in this course:

  • Catching Shiny Object Syndrome

    Become proficient in avoiding this syndrome by learning a two-step plan that helps to prevent the “too good to refuse syndrome.”

  • Falling for the Sunk Costs Fallacy

    Making sense of business expenses to avoid spending on items that do not have a return on investment.

  • Too Much Penny Pinching

    Recognize how to balance between overspending and underspending in your business; learn to spend money strategically.

This is a complete course that ensures you will receive the right training for each critical aspect to enhance the money management of your business.

Here’s the other great part of this course!

After covering each money mistake, you will be asked to review your business expenses. You will

  • Define which money mistake(s) is wreaking havoc in your business

  • Review products and services purchased and how often they are used

  • Create a monthly expense spreadsheet

  • Calculate the total expenses per month

  • Determine the rate of return or usage of products, programs, and services

Why should you consider this course?

  • Money Management

  • Business Success and Growth

  • Strategic Spending

Who is this course for:

  • Seasoned and beginner business owners

  • Anyone who desires to avoid money mistakes in business

Cost: Free with code MONEYMISTAKE ($17.00 value)

This course includes:

  • Instructional video

  • Lifetime access

  • Certificate of Completion

  • Downloadable resources